Code of Conduct

  1. Be a reliable source of information:  Provide accurate and up-to-date information to fellow gamers. Make sure to fact-check any information before sharing it and cite your sources whenever possible.

  2. Promote positivity: The gaming community is a diverse and inclusive one. Always treat others with respect, regardless of their background, gender, sexuality, or abilities. Encourage positive interactions and discourage toxic behavior.

  3. Set a good example: You represent Big Time.  Make sure to behave in a responsible and mature manner both in-game and online. Avoid cheating, trolling, or engaging in any other behavior that might reflect poorly on the community.

  4. Help others: If you see someone struggling with a game or experiencing technical difficulties, try to offer assistance in a polite and friendly manner. Being a helpful and supportive member of the community can go a long way towards fostering a positive and welcoming atmosphere.

  5. "We are all gonna make it" clause: Everyone is here to have fun and enjoy their time playing video games. When things get difficult, try to keep a positive attitude and remember that we're all in this together. No matter what happens, we're all gonna make it!

*  Violation of the Code of Conduct may result in revoking your Ambassador account.